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Městská knihovna Ostrov



courses, private meetings, facilities for events organised in the Exhibition Hall.

The classroom is equipped with a projector, interactive board, PC for the lecturer, and 12 laptop computers for instruction.

It is possible to lease out these premises for your activities. It only depends on you whether you need just the classroom itself, or the premises including our technological equipment. Rates for lease are stratified. The minimum length of the lease is one hour.


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Poslední aktualizace stránky: 12. 11. 2018 14:22

Opening hours

Adult and Reading room
8:00-12:00 13:00-18:00
Youth and Music dep.


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About the Library

The founder of the Municipal Library of Ostrov is city Ostrov. The library has been opened in 1945 and each year it is visited by nearly 50 000 visitors. The library works as a community and educational center, besides classical and electronic lending.
We look forward to your visit!

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